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Ash Class (Year 5&6)

Hello and welcome to Ash Class!

On our class page you will find information about all the exciting new topics and details of our routines that will take place throughout the school year. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. 

The Team

Class Teacher

Mrs Chalmers

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Allen

Mr Balmer

Topic - Vikings and the Anglo-Saxons

During Summer 2, the children will be learning about the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings. The children will be developing their knowledge of how the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings were often in conflict and this was a struggle. They will learn about famous individuals during this time, including Alfred the Great and Athelestan, how the Vikings were great warriors and how this era ended in Britain. The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Anglo-Saxons and I look forward to continuing to build their knowledge of how different groups of people invaded Britain and understanding the positive and negative impact they had at the time.


The children are given new spellings to learn and practise every Friday. They are tested the following Friday every week. In school, the children practise their spellings daily, completing tasks to remember spelling patterns and rules. It is important that the children practise their spellings at home too. Please encourage your child to do this daily. The children's spelling books are purple and transition between home to school daily. 


In Ash Class, the children complete focused guided reading lessons daily. The use of VIPERS is included in the lessons, for the children to understand the specific question type they are answering, and to build a toolkit of how to complete a range of questions successfully. The children engage with a variety of texts including: Fiction, Non-Fiction and Poetry to explore and build their skills within guided reading and comprehension. The children have reading diaries that transition between home and school daily. We encourage the children to sign their own reading diaries in Ash. Please ensure your child is reading at home daily too. This will support them to continue to build on their fluency, understanding of texts and vocabulary. 


Homework is handed to the children in their blue homework books every Friday, with the expectation to be returned the following Wednesday. The children are given precise tasks, that build on their learning from the week. In Year 6, the children will bring home a range of homework revision books (during Spring). It is communicated with the children the page(s) to complete. All books should transition between home and school.

PE kits are needed every Wednesday and Friday.