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Public Sector Equality Duty

The specific duties of the PSED require schools to publish information demonstrating how they are complying with the Public Sector Equality Duty.

Epworth Education as a Trust complies with the Public Sector Duty in the following way:

PSED Compliance

In addition to the Trust, the information below demonstrates the additional ways that the school implements the duties of the PSED:

1. Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.

  • Regularly review policies and practices to ensure that they comply with the Equalities Act
  • Have clearly communicated behaviour and anti-bullying policies

2. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

  • Remove or remove disadvantages experienced by people because of their protected characteristic 
  • Take steps to meet the needs of people who share a protected characteristic 
  • Encourage participation of people who share a protected characteristic when participation is disproportionately low 

3. Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

  • Educate our school community about the protected characteristics through the 'No Outsiders' programme. Reiterate the key message:  Everyone is different - Everyone belongs - through our PSHE lessons, Collective Worship and in the school environment. 
  • Challenge any preconceived perceptions.
  • Ensure diversity within the school curriculum that reflects the community wider than the local context

In accordance with the PSED, we have also must also publish information pupil-related data who share a relevant protected characteristic who may be affected by our policies and practices.

School Context

Summerseat Methodist Primary is a 0.5 form entry Primary with 84 children on role. We have an 8 place nursery on site where children attend for a morning session or for full days. 
The academy buildings are all on ground level. New accessible toilets were built on the premises for the start of September 2023. The building is well maintained and all areas and classrooms have disabled access. 

This is the profile of the school in summer 2024:

Characteristic Number or Percentage
Total Number of Children  84 (Rec-Y6)
Female Pupils 39
Male Pupils 45
Mobility of School Population

15 in, 1 out

(Since Sept '23)

Pupils eligible for FSM 11%
Deprivation Stats The school sits within the 20% least deprived neighbourhoods in the country. 
SEND Stats

26% SEN Support
14% EHCP

Disability 15%
Pupils who speak English as an additional language  0
Ethnicity Stats

White 91.2%
Pakistani 2.2%
Any other Black background 1.1%
Traveller of Irish Heritage 1.1%
White Other 1.1%
White & Asian 1.1%
White & Black African 1.1%

Religion Stats  Christian 63.7%
No religion 16.5%
Not stated 17.6%
Muslim 2.2%